Français Deutsch English Nederlands Português Español Italiano Polski العربية 中文 日本語 русский Szwedzki Ελληνικά 한국어 

Free Software, Shareware & Web

19 years


 « Always better, Always simpler, Always cheaper ... »

 Java | | XML 

 Windows | Macintosh | Linux | Solaris 

Advertising space

Commercial   - Promotion code    

Advertising International audience (*1)
Français 24,00%
Deutsch 16,07%
English 100,00%
Español 16,24%
Italiano 16,04%
Nederlands 16,53%
Polski 16,92%
Português 18,07%
العربية 15,80%
Ελληνικά 17,74%
中文 21,72%
한국어 19,09%
日本語 16,78%
русский 17,30%
Szwedzki 17,14%
Individuals and businesses
Many visitors
329 197
Associating your products with our company's products
Our company offers several complementary formulas of advertising space

Tip: In addition to the statistical report we provide, a unique promotional code can allow you to evaluate the performance of your advertising campaign!

Online Chat A person is available to answer your questions.
Opening hours (France): [08:30 - 12:00] [13:30 - 17:00]   Closed on Saturdays in 13:00   Closed on Sundays

≡ (1) In the software installer (1/4 Page | 2/4 Page | 4/4 Page)
This advertising space solution consists of adding the address of your website in the installer of our software. The redirected page of your website is always opened when the software is installed. You have the right to select the software of your choice. Each has its own advertising rate calculated according to the number of downloads of the software and its notoriety.

Our backup software can serve as a support for an external online backup hardware sales store.
Our customizable sports website can serve as a support for an online hosting solution sales store.

For greater efficiency, we advise you to send us a link to a specific page containing targeted products to highlight, rather than a simple link to the home page of your website.

» Option (free): Choosing a custom page template
You have the option to choose a custom page template created by EuropeSoftwares. These page templates are customizable with text, colors, images, and videos to choose from.
  Examples of custom pages:   
» Option: creation of your personalized page by our services (Html /   29.99 €  -  99.99   Français Deutsch English
EuropeSoftwares offers its customers the possibility of creating your advertising page which will then be displayed in the advertising space. This page is created by our services and given to the customer for approval. EuropeSoftwares reminds its customers that many editors like WORD, POWERPOINT or others offer export in HTML format!
» Option: hosting your advertising page on our servers (Html /   +2.99 per week
EuropeSoftwares offers its customers the possibility of hosting the advertising page on its servers. This solution is ideal if you do not have your own website with your own host. The client has the possibility of providing his own advertising page. EuropeSoftwares reserves the right to refuse any advertising page if it does not respect our charter. Only an internet page is accepted with images, pages with a musical piece are refused.

≡ (2) A link in some footers
This advertising space solution consists of inserting a link in certain footers of the pages of our websites.

  Examples of custom pages:

≡ (3a) On the forum / Online file translation / Youtube
This advertising space solution consists of adding an image (140x95) in the forum page of our website. Note that this page is essential for all users of our software.

  Examples of custom pages:
» Option: Image in Gif Animated format :   +9.99   per week
100% Free GifAnimationCreator.jar

≡ (3b) On the forum (in a link to an article)
Your personalized link to your website or any of your software or services, related to our article.

  Examples of custom pages:

≡ (4) A personalized page and your software distributed with our software on the DVD-ROM
A dedicated and personalized page of one of your products or a page dedicated to your company hosted on our website. You are free to put whatever you want in it, but EuropeSoftwares reserves the right to remove or take any action in case of inappropriate content! It is advisable to customize this page with a special offer with a discount coupon, for example. This discount coupon specially dedicated to this personalized page will also allow you to evaluate its relevance.

  Examples of custom pages:

» Option: Produced on DVD-ROM +69.99   per week
Current software: a selection of software entrusted by our partners as part of an advertising contract, who wish to distribute their products with ours. You will find these products in the BONUS WITH NO SUPPORT section. Support for its software is provided by their publisher. This software must be approved by our company. EuropeSoftwares reserves the right to refuse any software.

Many of our company's partners offer innovative products or special offers that may interest you.
    3 626

≡ (5) Your logo visible in our SportWebsite product [Sponsors]
Many visitors visit our SportWebsite demo product where your company logo can be visible. This section is preferably intended to display logos related to sport.

  Examples of custom pages:

≡ (6) The link to your website in the [accessmyweb.aspx] page
Your link is highlighted in this page. This page is the payment page and detailed description of the software. Only three links are available.

  Examples of custom pages:

≡ (7) Post Facebook - X/Twitter - Instagram
Your personalized post on one of our social media pages for an unlimited time. 0.22 € / Follower 0.22 € / Follower 0.22 € / Follower

Advertising space rates

We insist on the fact that our advertising spaces have nothing to do with the classic advertising banners, usually present on the internet.

(Language ad pricing (only) English )
≡ (1) SOFTWARES (≤ 1) English  [93,36%]
AccessMyButton Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
AccessMyButton (Link1) Shareware 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
AccessMyButton (Link2) Shareware 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
AccessMyButton (Link3) Shareware 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
AccessMyTask Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
AccessMyWeb Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
AccessMyWeb (Link1) Shareware 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
AccessMyWeb (Link2) Shareware 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
AccessMyWeb (Link3) Shareware 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
AlarmClockEvent Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
AnonymousEmail Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Blog Web 746.87
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Clic & Capture Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
T'Chat Support X15 Web 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
CVSelector Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
DactyloMagic Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
DactyloMagicPlus Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
DactyloMagicPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
DataBook Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
DocEmail Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
DownloadChecker Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
EasyBackup Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
EasyDraw Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
EasyEXchangeIP Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
EasyFtpClient / EasyFtpMultiClient Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
EasyIconMaker Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
EasyRSS Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
EasyVoiceIP Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
EmailChecker5 Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
EsBackup Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Jes Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Jes (Link1/StartPage) Free Software 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Jes (Link2/StartPage) Free Software 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Jes (Link3/StartPage) Free Software 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
FastEmailer Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
FastFaxer Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
FastSmser Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
FlowMemo Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
HelpMe Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
GuestBook Web 1867.19
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
LittleWebBusiness Web 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
LittleWebCenter Web 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
MultiPagesPrintingPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Notations Web 746.87
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PAPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PBPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PBePro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PCaPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PdfToImagesPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PDPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Perf Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PIPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PJPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PMaPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PPoPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PPPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Presence Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PSuPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PSPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
PUPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
QuickAccess Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
QuickHelp Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
RVB Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
RVBPro Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
SimpleStreamPlayer Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
SoundRecorder Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
SportWebsite Web 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
SpyMonitor Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
SpySound Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Summarizer Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
SurfEmail Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
SurfEmail (Link1/StartPage) Shareware 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
SurfEmail (Link2/StartPage) Shareware 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
SurfEmail (Link3/StartPage) Shareware 280.07
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
VideoConverter Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
WebCollaborativ Web 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
WebFilesBot Web 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
WebForum Web 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
WebKWSBot Web 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
WebQCMBot Web 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
WhoIsConnectedToMyPC Shareware 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Free Tool
TRANSLATIONS_EYT.TXT.jar Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
TRANSLATIONS_XXX.XML.jar Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Free Pack Tools
Pack Tools Audio Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Pack Tools Chrono Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Pack Tools E-mail Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Pack Tools File Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Pack Tools Image Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Pack Tools Spy Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
Pack Tools Video Free Software 373.43
per week
12/31/2099 00000 /7 [+???%]
≡ (2) Footers (≤ 24) English  [100,00%] 99.99
per week
12/31/2099 06166 /7  [+100%]
≡ (3a) Forum (≤ 20) English  [100,00%] 119.99
per week
(2/20) 00539 /7  [+100%]
≡ (3b) Forum English  [100,00%] 299.99
per week
≡ (4) Dedicated page (≤ 30) English  [100,00%] 99.99
per week
(1/50) 00007 /7  [+100%]

≡ (4*) DVD-ROMs sent by mail

Français Deutsch English Nederlands Português Español Italiano Polski العربية 中文 日本語 русский Szwedzki Ελληνικά 한국어

00000 /7 [+???%]
≡ (5) SportWebsite (≤ 10) English  [17,16%]

Français Deutsch English Nederlands Português Español Italiano Polski العربية 中文 日本語 русский Szwedzki Ελληνικά 한국어


per week
(4/10) 00006 /7  [+100%]
≡ (6) ACCESMYWEB (≤ 4) English  [100,00%]

----- 1 -----
per week
--2 -(-10%)--
per week
--3 -(-20%)--
per week
00017 /7  [+100%]

Minimum duration of an advertisement: 5 weeks
(Set-up fees offered - Editing an advertising space 14.99 €)

Pack 5 (-15€) Pack 10 (-50€) Pack 15 (-120€)

Prices are displayed as an indication and may vary slightly depending on the frequency of their display!

Email T'Chat Telephone e-Commerce   Free quote
Forum Forum Free Question Questions / Answers Free Youtube Youtube Free

» Linkedin (Social Network)

» RED BY SFR (Téléphonie / Internet / TV / Mobile)

» Orange (Réseau Mobile N°1)

» Free (Téléphonie / Internet / TV / Mobile)

» Bouygues Telecom (Téléphonie / Internet / TV / Mobile)

» Microsoft (Windows 11, Surface )

» Apple (MacOSX, IPAD)

» Google (Search Engine)

» Bing (Search Engine)

» Facebook (Social Network)

» Instagram (Social Network)

» X (Social Network)

» Amazon (Sales)

» Netflix (Streaming)

» Baidu (Search Engine)

» Wikipedia (Doc Engine)

» Bouygues Telecom (Mobile / Internet)

» Bouygues Telecom (Mobile / Internet)

» SFR (Mobile / Internet)

» Orange (Mobile / Internet)

» Yahoo (Search Engine)

» Youtube (Streaming)

» Yahoo (Search Engine)

» Tik Tok (Streaming)

EuropeSoftwares / Conditions of sale / SIRET 483 833 471 00012 / All rights reserved 2005 - 2024 / FRANCE

    3       13 637